属类:文学表达-外国名著-Bel - Ami By Guy de Maupassant
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 40
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国乡绅 一路顺风
1 | 我们将举行晚宴,我希望你能来参加。 | We’re going to give a dinner party , and I wonder if you could come. | |
2 | 我们今晚有一个宴会。 | We will have a dinner party tonight | |
3 | 我们外贸局主任张先生今晚想请您共进晚餐。 | Our Director of Foreign Trade Bureau, Mr. Zhang, wishes the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. | |
4 | 我们邀请她赴宴。 | We invited her to our dinner party . | |
5 | 我们贮备的酒足够宴会用了。 | We have enough wine in for the dinner party | |
6 | 我想邀请一些朋友过来聚聚,庆祝我完成了学位论文。 | I want to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my dissertation. | |
7 | 无可奈何之际,他们去求教在科瑞家宴会上认识的牧师西威尔先生。 | In despair they seek the advice of Mr. Sewell, a clergyman whom they had met at the corey’s dinner party | |
8 | 下星期五晚上我举行宴会,您肯赏光吗? | I’m giving a dinner party next Friday evening; would you like to come? | |
9 | 宴会. | a dinner party | |
10 | 宴会的日期尚未确定。 | The date of the dinner party is still in the air. | |
11 | 因此,他要是赴宴迟到了会得到谅解。 | He is therefore forgiven, if late for a dinner party . | |
12 | 在餐会上中国人喜欢喝啤酒或白酒。 | At a dinner party Chinese people enjoy drinking beer or spirits. | |
13 | 在弗赖斯节家的晚宴两个月之后,杜洛瓦拜访了德·马莱尔夫人,她也参加了那次晚宴。杜洛瓦同这位夫人的友谊很快发展成恋情。 | Two months after the Forestiers’ dinner party Duroy called on Mme. de Marelle, who had been among the guests that evening. Duroy’s friendship with Mme. de Marelle quickly developed into an affair. | |
14 | 在上星期的一次宴会上,女主人要我坐在Rumbold太太的旁边。 | Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. | |
15 | 在西方宴会中,应以什么顺序上这些菜 | In what order will the following dishes be served at a western dinner party ? | |
16 | 这对夫妇设宴庆祝他们的银婚纪念日。 | The couple gave a dinner party in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary. | |
17 | 庄重的晚宴. | a sedate dinner party | |
18 | 昨晚的晚宴你过得愉快吗? | Did you enjoy the dinner party last night? | |
19 | 作宴会的东道主. | act as host at a dinner party | |
20 | ||1:如今在英国“乡绅”这个词让人想到的就是“在一个上流社会的晚宴上开始闲聊的前奏——你怎么过来的啊?你认识谁呢?阿莱西娅最近可好呀?”||2:这表明在这个亲切、高雅、排外,甚至几分自鸣得意的阶层里,一个人的背景和出身比他的品性更为重要。||3:"乡绅"的前面也经常会加上“有土地的”这个词。||4: 这个词(即 landed gentry)的普及有一部份原因归功于1826年初版的百科全书式大本书《伯克乡绅名录》。(尽管早在上世纪二十年代,拥有土地便不再是一个家庭载入史册的必要条件)。 ||5:但其主要原因在于所有关于乡绅的故事都和“土地”密不可分。 | ||1: Today the term “gentry” in Britain evokes “the introductory chat at an upper-middle-class dinner party —how did you get here, who do you know, how is Aletheia?” ||2: It suggests a cosy, genteel, exclusive and somewhat smug world in which background and family are deemed more important than individual qualities. ||3: It is also often preceded by the word “landed”. ||4: The launch of “Burke’s Landed Gentry”, an encyclopedic tome first published in 1826, is partly responsible for this (though the ownership of land ceased to be a requirement for a family to appear in the book as long ago as the 1920s). ||5: But the principal reason is that the story of the gentry is all “about Land”. | |
21 | 让意兴阑珊的晚宴重拾活力的一个好方法便是问问大家心中最好的犯罪剧集是哪部。 | An easy way to revive a flagging dinner party is to ask people to name their choice of the greatest crime show. | |
22 | (今天晚上你有空吗.?能和我一起去参加一个舞会吗.?)小雨:呵呵,我可不想当电灯泡啊。 | (he maybe love you. ) Susan: Are you free tonight ? Would you like to go to the dinner party with me? | |
23 | 22岁的布兰妮在一个晚宴上就用过这一招,那时她迷上了坐在她身边的男人。 | Britney, * 22, used just such a stroke of genius during a dinner party , when she was swooning over the guy sitting next to her. | |
24 | 巴黎的宴会上永远少不了关于人类状况和命运力量的辩论。 | No Parisian dinner party is complete without a debate on the human condition and the force of destiny. | |
25 | 别在正式宴会上大吃大喝,那样很不礼貌! | Don’t make a pig of yourself at dinner party ! | |
26 | 参加了帕梅拉.哈里曼举办的那个宴会后,我和希拉里结束了我们的华盛顿之行。 | Hillary and I ended our Washington stay with a dinner party given by Pamela Harriman. | |
27 | 参加中国餐会的外籍人士应了解并遵守以下中国规则 | foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should know and follow Chinese rules | |
28 | 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点以外 | The guest at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the America n. | |
29 | 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国威严的语气感到有点意外。 | The guests the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American. | |
30 | 第一天晚上我去参加了上流社会的一个无聊的晚餐会。 | I went to one stuffy upper class dinner party on my first night. |